Dating with Herpes: You Are Obligated to Disclose Your Herpes Status to Your New Partner
If you have herpes then it can be difficult to disclose this information to someone new that you are into herpes dating . If you tell them early in the relationship, they will likely leave you immediately because they will be afraid of contracting the disease from you. But if you wait until the relationship gets serious before you tell them, it will just complicate things a lot more. This is especially true if your partner wants to have sex with you. At this point, you could either tell them the truth before the sex or hide the truth and have sex with them anyway. The decision you make in this scenario could change the rest of your life, as well as the life of your partner. Of course, having sex without disclosing your STD status would be unethical and even illegal. In many states, it is a criminal offense to not disclose your STD status to your partner. And even if you’re in a state where it is not a criminal offense, you could still be faced with a civil lawsuit over it. Therefore...